Executive Communication Coaching Certification
Executive Communication Coaching Certification
Executive Communication Coaching Certification

Become a Certified Executive Communication Coach

Why should you be part of the Coaching Industry?

  1. Coaching industry has seen a 21% increase in investment over the last four years.
  2. Coaching industry generates a global annual revenue of $2,849,000,000.
  3. Since Covid, the coaching industry has thrived, and all leaders, business owners, and aspiring coaches are turning to coaches for a guidance and support

Our program :

We are offering an 8-week exclusive program with 14 live masterclasses and live mentoring sessions.

We have 3 experts to help you master coaching tools for becoming an exceptional coach.

This program is exclusively for Aspiring Coaches and Leaders who wish to master the skills of coaching and bring about a change in 2022.

Most leaders and business owners today want tools, techniques and strategies to excel in their Workplace Communication and to become-

  • A Key Influencer
  • A Powerful and Confident Communicator
  • A person of Influence and Impact
  • A leader who commands attention and has credibility
  • An authentic leader who brings out the best in others
  • A leader who can convey complex ideas in a simple way and with clarity.

As an added bonus, we are offering a 30% discount for the first five registrations. First-come, first-served basis. You can reserve your seat in advance by paying the first instalment of Rs.9,999 and the rest two instalment later.

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